Taj Mahal Agra

Taj Mahal AgraShah Jahan fell in love with the beautiful Arjumand Bano Begum and married her, making her his third wife. Arjumand Bano Begum was christened by Shah Jahan as Mumtaz Mahal, meaning the “Chosen One Of The Palace” or “Jewel of the Palace”. Shah Jahan lost Mumtaz Mahal, when she died giving birth to their 14h child. Taj Mahal was built in memory of Mumtaz Mahal, whom he held precious. Taj Mahal is a memorial to that undying expression of love and a teardrop in the face of time – no wonder you can’t remain untouched by its beauty and magnificence..

Taj Mahal AgraTaj Mahal AgraTaj Mahal AgraTaj Mahal AgraTaj Mahal AgraTaj Mahal AgraTaj Mahal AgraTaj Mahal AgraTaj Mahal Agra

You can experience the magic of Taj Mahal at Agra with Luxury Tours India. We will be glad to create a tour just the way you want. We can combine destinations of your choice, book you stay in top luxury hotels, arrange air and surface transfers, expert licensed guides for a great holiday experience. To submit your tour requirements please Contact Us.

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